Friday, July 12, 2013

When I back to the Routines.

Friday, 12th July 2013
04.50 am : tenonengtenoneng…alarm ringing.

Wake up, girl! Ten minutes to five o’clock in the morning. I just felt some nostalgia moment from 7 years ago. When I was in high school, I having a long distance home-school. I must well-prepared from early morning and struggled for catched up the TJ bus before 6 o’clock in the morning at Cengkareng bus shelter. I did that routines almost 3 years. Then, I skip the routine after that, when I finished my university life. I chose to be at Bandung and live in dormitory near the campus, so I could have a pretty-walked everyday by foot. A happy life, I have enjoyed it! And back to today…

Take a bath, then got prepared. All of the office stuffs already in my backpack. Laptops, stationary, a mini bottle of water, shoes, wallet, and blackberry. All set. My brother also ready to drop me at the bus shelter, and we go!
5.50 am at the BSD feeder bus shelter. Early morning, I got sleep in the journey, and wake up near the bus stop at Ratu Plaza. Ya, nice sleep in the morning. Hmmm I still sleepy, but c’mon lets go and stay excited! Next, I got TJ bus and go to the Bundaran HI Shelter because my intern office is near Bundaran HI. I stop, checked my boss’ name card and got the specific address. Sinarmas Land Plaza tower 3, 8th floor.

7.30 am I have arrived in the office and wait. Until little pretty woman come and ask for my name. Yup she is my boss’ secretary, Miss Ria. Humble and kind, that’s my first impression about her. After meet her, I have showed by her about my desk for 3 months. A proper desk, small one, with a strategic place, near the Miss secretary and near the boss’ room. Great!

What will I do?
But first, I set up my own goals. Not much but sure.
1. Learn min 1 thing new 1 day.
2. Mingle.
3. Expert in analyzing and formulating development plan.
That were my goals.
My first learning point is : be care about company’s confidential letter. Make people respect your company.

So, the learning day is start with the smooth introduction. I got the printed power point materials about talent management. At the first time I scanning, I did not enjoy, maybe because my brain is long time no charged after finished thesis. Yeah. Maybe. But after that I tried another way. I summarized the materials and that makes me more ‘into’ the topic. I realize this sector is familiar with me. Training, developing leadership, etc. So close with me. In university life, I was the assistant trainer in PKH UNPAR. And also I have joint some kind of leadership development. This will be fun! Working with people, office, rules, dicipline, company values, confidentiality, and others. Half familiar, half new.

In this first day, the work is not that much. Just take a look HO and did some typing.   Give to my advisor which the the Miss secretary, then done.

But it was I begin of new routine and excitements!  J

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